
Have been looking for ways to down load stock price data using Yahoo Finance on Chinese Stocks. Symbol that ends with .SS = stock listed in Shanghai, .zz = stock listed in Shenzhen

This link http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=000625.sz&f=snohgl1v returns

000625.SZ CHANGAN AUTOMOBIL 12.4 12.8 12.4 12.69 9787354

This link http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=600600.SS&f=snohgl1v returns

600600.SS 600600.SS N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A

I have done a few tests and and .SZ stocks return valid data but not for .SS stocks.

However using this link "table.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=600600.SS" the data is clearly there.

Really confused as to why this is the case. Anyone has any ideas?


2 Answers 2


As for now, below API would give a nice JSON response:


Yahoo Finance current quote API still does not work for SS stocks as of Feb 2016. I ended up scraping data from the UI:

  1. Login to Yahoo Finance
  2. Create view (in my case v3) with fields you'll need http://finance.yahoo.com/quotes/view/new?symbols=000001.SS&from_view_id=v3
  3. Construct URL with your comma separated symbols (200 max) and new view version, such as http://finance.yahoo.com/quotes/000001.SS,600000.SS,600004.SS,600005.SS/view/v3
  4. I'm using ruby watir to get the data I need into a csv file..

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