Questions tagged [call]

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25 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Greeks of a Basket Option

I want to estimate delta, vega and gamma for a basket option. This option is a European Call option. The underlying is $S=\omega_1 S_1 +\omega_2 S_2$ Where: $S1$ = stock price of asset 1 $S2$ = ...
Separata's user avatar
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Zero-rebate barrier option pricing under the Heston model

I'm trying to derive an approximation for the zero-rebate barrier option under the Heston model: $$dS_t=\mu S_tdt+\sqrt{v_t}S_tdW^S_t$$ $$dv_t=\kappa(\bar{v}-v_t)dt+\eta\sqrt{v_t}dW^v_t,\quad d\langle ...
FunnyBuzer's user avatar
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Path integral approach to price call option on zero coupon bonds

I am given the following identities: $$ Z[J,t_1,t_2]=\int D W e^{\int_{t_1}^{t_2}dtJ(t)W(t)}e^{S}=e^{\frac{1}{2}\int_{t_1}^{t_2}dtJ(t)^2} $$ $$ \int_t^Tdx\alpha(t,x)=\frac{1}{2}\left[\int_t^Tdx\sigma(...
TheHunter's user avatar
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Callable Bond = long Bond - call on bond?

Can someone verify (maybe there is some literature around) the following relationships? Callable Bond= Long on Bond + short on a Call Position --> PV(CallableBond) = PV(Bond) - Call on Bond? or ...
Kosta S.'s user avatar
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Heston model characteristic function

The characteristic function of $x=ln(S_T)$ in the framework of Heston model is guessed to be: $$f_j(\phi,x,v)=e^{C_j(\tau,\phi)+D_j(\tau,\phi)+i\phi x}$$ The call price is guessed to have the form: $$...
lukada's user avatar
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Call probability of a callable swap

For one call date, The call probability is just the probability that the swap rate for the remaining life of the swap is below the strike rate. This is easily obtainable in a normal vol model, it is : ...
Lrzo48's user avatar
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local volatility not reasonable

We are going to generate synthetic option prices using a Heston model, i.e., $$ \begin{gather*} dS_t = \sqrt{v_t} S_t dZ_t,\\ dv_t = \lambda (\mu - v_t) d_t + \eta \sqrt{v_t} dW_t, \end{gather*} $$ ...
user61159's user avatar
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Replicating call option in market which only trades stock and forward contracts

I am having a bit of trouble with a problem I've been given. Consider a market which only trades a stock and forward contracts. There's only time 0 and 1. Initial stock price S_0 is 10, the forward ...
woiddiow's user avatar
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Heston Model Calibration with MatLab: model prices do not fall in the bid-ask range

I am currently implementing the MatLab code reported below for the calibration of Heston Model. The code seems fine and, by reading the paper where I took the code, I was able to calibrate and price ...
Francesco Bova's user avatar
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What is a call-spread and its formula?

I am attempting Mark Joshi's The Concepts and Practice of Mathematical Finance. In B.3 Project 1: Vanilla options in a Black-Scholes world, he asked the following question. We need to be sure that ...
Idonknow's user avatar
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Binomial Model - completeness in presence of arbitrage

Consider a uniperiodal binomial model where I buy one bond of value $B_0$ and rate $r=0.1$, and $h$ stocks with price $S_0=5$. The value of the portfolio at time $t=0$ is $$ V_0 = B_0 + hS_0, $$ ...
marco's user avatar
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Black Scholes Replicating Portfolio Riskfree Asset

Im having a question about this standard derivation of the Black-Scholes formula: The paper states $$C=\Delta S+B$$ and finally $\Delta = ...
emcor's user avatar
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Delta of an option in two cases

Let C be the prime of a call in fi=unction of the price in term F, Strike K, volatilité $\sigma$ and maturity t: $C(F,K,\sigma,t,r) $ We assume that we know $\delta$ $\delta=\frac{\partial}{\...
Sino's user avatar
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Obtain B-S-M from a binomial tree as n goes to infinty using Lebesgue integral

My question is simple, consider a European call with payoff max(S_T-K, 0), Let's suppose that the underlying stock follows a binomial tree with up and down factors I know as we take n goes to infinity ...
nic's user avatar
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Can the Feynman-Kac formula be used for asset classes that don’t have options?

So rather than a call option C(S_t,t) we have some type of asset with asset price is given by S(x,t) where x is any type of variable that the asset price depends on. I.e Price of wooden desks, W(x,t) ...
Xerium's user avatar
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What can we say about digital puts and calls with different strike prices?

I am a noob to the field of quantitative finance. I am reading this book by Mark S. Joshi. Can you help me make sense of one of the exercise questions? Here is the question (from page 40 of the book): ...
Peanutlex's user avatar
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Payoff of barrier options

I was reading a research paper recently and the author defined payoffs of Up-and-Out and Down-and-Out barrier call options as max[0, ST - K]I(m < H) and max[0, ST - K]I(M > H) respectively. K is ...
Nick's user avatar
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Deterministic optimal call time

Consider a American Option on a linear payoff i.e., if called at time $T$, it pays off $S(T)$, the stock price. Is the optimal call time of such an option determinsitc? Is there an intuition to the ...
Arshdeep's user avatar
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VaR of protfolio with put and call

I've stumbbled into this question in a job interview and didn't know how to answer it: Calculate the VaR of a portfolio where you are long put and long a call
Malixa95's user avatar
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Geometric brownian motion and probabilities

A stock's price movement is described by the equations $dS_t=0.02S_tdt+0.25S_tdW_t$ and $S_0=100$. An investor buys a call option on said stock with a strike price $K=95$ which expires in $T=2$ years. ...
actuarialboi9's user avatar
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Higher Vega with ATM options when Spot is higher

Which would have larger vega, an ATM call option at spot 100 or an ATM call option at spot 200. Apparently the answer is the one with ATM at spot 200. I am not sure how you get this answer. Why ...
Trajan's user avatar
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Different versions of Put-Call Parity

Why is it stated sometimes that $C - P = F$ and in wikipedia it statest that $C - P = D(F-K)$, where D is the discount factor and K is the strike (of both the call and put?). Is this just affected ...
Trajan's user avatar
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how to understand the zero vol condition in Heston stochastic vol model

I can't understand one of the boundary conditions in Heston's model: $$c(t,s,0) = (s-e^{-r(T-t)}K)^+$$ Why the current vol is zero can deduce such result. here $c(t,s,v)$ $s$ is current price and $v$ ...
A.Oreo's user avatar
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Cash-or-Nothing Call Option

I am trying to price a cash or nothing call option and I know know that the Cash or Nothing formula for a call option is $C(t,s)=Xe^{-r(T-t)}*N(d)$ If I have payoff X=100 r=0.03 T=2 $\sigma=0.3$ I ...
Jacob Mitch's user avatar
-2 votes
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Pricing a European call option that has one underlying asset to compare with strike but 2 underlyings as payout

This is a real world problem and not a research one. We are being proposed to buy an option that has to be exercised on a specific date T. So it is a European option. This option has a strike price of ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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