Questions tagged [debt]

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Borrower, platform, SPV relationship with borrower payment dependent notes?

As you know, real estate crowd funding platforms are taking off at the moment. Platforms connect investors to real estate assets. I am having an issue with understanding how exactly borrower payment ...
user3138766's user avatar
2 votes
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Collateralized Loan Obligation - reliable source of information

Can someone provide me with some reliable source of information about CLOs? Especially some scientific articles etc. Google or wiki are good for starters and I would like to get some examples, ...
Ascorpio's user avatar
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Quant valuation of a credit card debt (or flexible loan)

What would you say is the generally accepted quantitative method of valuing an individual credit card, or flexible loan? Is the method very changeable if that were a pool of such loans? Suppose the ...
Attack68's user avatar
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How to value a portfolio of non-mature consumer loans?

I'm looking for the best way to value a portfolio of consumer loans that have NOT reached maturity and for which I do observe the payment/default history to date? I'm working with a large database of ...
Bobak Digital's user avatar
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Cost of debenture using IRR method

Question: A company issued $10000$, $10\%$ debentures of $\\\$100$ each on 1.4.2020 to be matured on 1.4.2025. Market price of the debenture is $\\\$80$. Tax rate is $35\%$. Then what would be the ...
Hmmmmm's user avatar
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Derive the Probability of Default (PD) of private companies with Merton Model

Do you know a well used method how to calculate the PD of private companies using the Merton Model. The main challenges I am facing is to get the appropriate volatility of the assets and the drift. ...
Bsleon's user avatar
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Remaining Balance Formula for Actual/360 and Actual/Actual Accrual Methods

Is there a concise formula for calculating the remaining balance of a loan with actual/360 and actual/actual accruals? I know for 30/360 amortizations, the remaining balance is just the FV of the ...
ZAR's user avatar
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Why does lower interest rate result in higher debt issurance?

Is it because lower interest would reduce coupon rate since coupon rate have to be higher than the interest rate to remain attractive for debtholders? For reference:
Aqqqq's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Is a company's exact debt structure publicly available to investors?

I am relatively new to investing and would like to look into some of the details of a few companies. As one example, we can use DAL. To assess the financial future of the company, it would be ...
doublefelix's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Pricing Debt/Credit/Mortgage+ Prepayment- Literature?

Does someone know some good literature(Papers or Books) regarding the topic how to Price debt/credit with prepayment? I just found literature about the general topic , like how to price callable bonds,...
Kosta S.'s user avatar
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