4 votes

What is the official name for this indicator?

In simple terms it is the position of Close (or Open) within the range, i.e. [Low,High]. It equals 1 if the Close is at the High, and equals 0 if you Close at the Low. The rest of the time it is in ]0,...
nbbo2's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the official name for this indicator?

I suppose you could call it a one period stochastic indicator. I neither use, nor have any knowledge about technical indicators but a quick google search of the term "(close - low)/(high -low)&...
AKdemy's user avatar
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What is the official name for this indicator?

It is called a "fast stochastic oscillator" when expressed as a percentage, and is a building block for the general stochastic oscillator, developed by George Lane.
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Library of basic indicators

I'm using Skender Stock Indicators (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Skender.Stock.Indicators). Built some back-tests for my experimental algorithms using 1 minute OLHC data downloaded from ...
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