5 votes

How to create a synthetic put?

As you can see from the wiki page, the delta of a put is $$\Delta = -e^{-qT}N(-d_1)= -e^{-qT} \left(1-N(d_1)\right)$$ Recall that this $\Delta$ is the derivative of the value of the put $p$ with ...
SRKX's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a way of synthetically deleveraging a Real Estate portfolio?

The process of setting aside an amount to pay off debt (without actually paying down debt) is known as "defeasance." This can be achieved by setting up an escrow account or other bank account, where "...
Tom Au's user avatar
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3 votes

Dealers becoming synthetically short an out-of-the-money option

Here's one scenario: dealer is long a deep in the money American put (say strike is K and the current stock price is S < K ), versus being short a european put with the same strike and final ...
dm63's user avatar
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2 votes

Dealers becoming synthetically short an out-of-the-money option

Here's the example of what is in the quote: dealer is long an ITM call. As a hedge the dealer is also short OTM put (with the same strike) and short stock. This is a "riskless" position, equivalent of ...
onlyvix.blogspot.com's user avatar
2 votes

Constant maturity futures price methodology

What you are doing in the formula is just linear interpolation. This is probably fine, if there was some hindrance such as a seasonality effect, the market would probably contain a contract at that ...
UmaN's user avatar
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1 vote

Simple Blockbootstrap instead of CircularBlockBootstrap

The arch package have time-series bootstrap methods: The arch package in Python have implemented the stationary (block) ...
Pleb's user avatar
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1 vote

Create a Synthetic Single Stock Future

If you mean, write a put and buy the stock, pretty sure the answer is no. If the stock price tanks, well below the strike, you will have lost twice (on the stock and the put). Ie, your delta will be 2,...
ThatDataGuy's user avatar
1 vote

Papers on synthetic options

As mentioned in the comments, you will most likely not find much literature on simple synthetic positions such as the synthetic long stock. This is simply a way to obtain a highly leveraged version of ...
AdB's user avatar
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1 vote

Construction of synthetic deposits

I figured out that the correction term should not be $\alpha\cdot\delta + \beta\cdot\delta^2/2$ but rather $\alpha+\beta\cdot\delta/2$.
Daniel's user avatar
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1 vote

synthetic currency pair

Yes, that's correct: Formula 5.2 (FCa / FCb)ask = (FCa / DC)ask ×(DC/FCb)ask (FCa / FCb)bid = (FCa / DC)bid ×(DC/FCb)bid Where FCa and FCb are the two foreign currencies and DC is the domestic ...
0xFEE1DEAD's user avatar
1 vote

synthetic currency pair

You can see how to calculate cross currency rates at FX and MM training disclaimer I authored the page
rupweb's user avatar
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