
My goal is to price American basket put options using the Least squares Monte Carlo, or Longstaff-Schwartz algorithm.

I currently have the one-dimensional case working with the Python file below (I am using the SWIG package), but I would like to change the number of basis functions used by the AmericanBasketEngine to make sure the price is accurate. How do I do this?

Looking at the C++ source, I found the polynomOrder keyword argument with default value 2 of the class AmericanBasketPathPricer. However, I do not know how this class is connected to the MCAmericanBasketEngine, which does not have such a keyword argument. (I never programmed in either C or C++, so I am quite lost in the source.)

Maybe is the polynomial order determined automatically, based on the requiredTolerance? That would be ideal, but I couldn't find a description of what the MCAmericanBasketEngine does exactly anywhere.

from QuantLib import *

d=1 #To be increased...
todaysDate = Date(15,May,1998)
Settings.instance().evaluationDate = todaysDate
settlementDate = Date(17,May,1998)
riskFreeRate = FlatForward(settlementDate, 0.05, Actual365Fixed())

payoff = PlainVanillaPayoff(Option.Put, 100.0)

underlying1 = SimpleQuote(100.0)
volatility1 = BlackConstantVol(todaysDate, TARGET(), 0.30, Actual365Fixed())
dividendYield1 = FlatForward(settlementDate, 0.00, Actual365Fixed())
process1 = BlackScholesMertonProcess(QuoteHandle(underlying1),
procs = StochasticProcessVector()

matrix = Matrix(1,1)
matrix[0][0] = 1.0
process = StochasticProcessArray(procs, matrix)
american_exercise = AmericanExercise(Date(17,May,1998),Date(17,May,1999))
basketoption = BasketOption(AverageBasketPayoff(payoff,d),american_exercise)
        polynomOrder = 2,#keyword does not exist
        timeStepsPerYear = 100,
        requiredTolerance = 0.01,
        #seed = 42))

1 Answer 1


As per QuantLib's lead developer, polynomOrder is indeed not currently exposed. There is now a GitHub issue about this.


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