Some more concrete sources on Barrier option in the B&S setting and PDEs
More of a general remark to PDE approaches in finance
Ilya as far as I know the literature on that topic is quite limited. Solving a PDE means solving a PDE - it does not matter in which context. Most economists leave the solving of PDEs if they arise in a pricing context to pure mathematitiansmathematicians. This is why almost no finance book will teach you how to solve one explictly - this is either something you learn in pure math or physics or delgegate.
I think you are might be interested in "interfacing theorems" like FeynmenFeynman-Kac that establish the link between pricing and PDE.
Also to my knowledge there is no unifying PDE-based approach to pricing derivatives.
Still there are some books that have more extensive sections on PDE-theory e.g. PDE and Martingale Methods in Option Pricing You might also find the following report quite comprehensive. (The focus however is not on finding conrecteclosed-form solution but rather on numerical schemes)