0 = -A + P/(1+I)^((d1-d0)/365) + P/(1+I)^((d2-d0)/365)
0 = -A + P/(1+i)^1 + P/(1+i)^2
B2 is the signed loan amount (-3054.47; thus, C2 is 3054.47); F3 is the derived monthly rate; A3 is the date of the first irregular payment (2/11/2023); A2 is is date of the loan disbursement (12/29/2022); B3 is the first irregular payment (196.81); and B4:B26 are the 23 regular payments (169.42).
Aside.... B2 is -3054.47 to allow us to calculate the XIRR. And note that C26 displays zero due to cell formatting; usually, it does not equal zero. Instead, it is usually a relatively small number like +/-1E-6 or less.