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Greek BS Model \$ Value "Discrete" Method \$ Value Taleb \$ Value
Delta 0.5021 80'198'736 0.00519 829'283 -82'656'000
Gamma 3.4365 548'918'092 0.03407 5'442'567 8'355'000
Vega 0.2742 43'808'238 0.00274 438'038 438'000
$rho$$\text{Rho}$ 0.2334 37'292'607 0.00237 379'053 385'000
$rho_f$$\text{Rho}_f$ -0.2464 -40'767'691 -0.00250 -399'570 -408'000

$ rho = KTe^{-r_f T}\Phi(d_2) $$ \text{Rho} = KTe^{-r_f T}\Phi(d_2) $

$ rho_f = STe^{-r_f T}\Phi(d_1)$$ \text{Rho}_f = STe^{-r_f T}\Phi(d_1)$

$ rho = c(r=6.8438\%)-c(r=5.8438\%)$$ \text{Rho} = c(r=6.8438\%)-c(r=5.8438\%)$

$ rho_f =c(r_f=7.915\%)-c(r_f=6.915\%) $$ \text{Rho}_f =c(r_f=7.915\%)-c(r_f=6.915\%) $

Greek BS Model \$ Value "Discrete" Method \$ Value Taleb \$ Value
Delta 0.5021 80'198'736 0.00519 829'283 -82'656'000
Gamma 3.4365 548'918'092 0.03407 5'442'567 8'355'000
Vega 0.2742 43'808'238 0.00274 438'038 438'000
$rho$ 0.2334 37'292'607 0.00237 379'053 385'000
$rho_f$ -0.2464 -40'767'691 -0.00250 -399'570 -408'000

$ rho = KTe^{-r_f T}\Phi(d_2) $

$ rho_f = STe^{-r_f T}\Phi(d_1)$

$ rho = c(r=6.8438\%)-c(r=5.8438\%)$

$ rho_f =c(r_f=7.915\%)-c(r_f=6.915\%) $

Greek BS Model \$ Value "Discrete" Method \$ Value Taleb \$ Value
Delta 0.5021 80'198'736 0.00519 829'283 -82'656'000
Gamma 3.4365 548'918'092 0.03407 5'442'567 8'355'000
Vega 0.2742 43'808'238 0.00274 438'038 438'000
$\text{Rho}$ 0.2334 37'292'607 0.00237 379'053 385'000
$\text{Rho}_f$ -0.2464 -40'767'691 -0.00250 -399'570 -408'000

$ \text{Rho} = KTe^{-r_f T}\Phi(d_2) $

$ \text{Rho}_f = STe^{-r_f T}\Phi(d_1)$

$ \text{Rho} = c(r=6.8438\%)-c(r=5.8438\%)$

$ \text{Rho}_f =c(r_f=7.915\%)-c(r_f=6.915\%) $

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I would like to replicate the whole "Taleb \$-value column" in the below Table. Take the Delta, which is around 0.50. How do you calculate its value in dollars? Since it is negative, is the trader selling GBP or USD?

Please, let me know if more details are needed. Thanks for the help. I am new to FX Options.

PleaseAgain, let me know if more details are needed. Thanksthanks for the help.

I would like to replicate the whole "Taleb \$-value column" in the below Table. Take the Delta, which is around 0.50. How do you calculate its value in dollars?

Please, let me know if more details are needed. Thanks for the help.

I would like to replicate the whole "Taleb \$-value column" in the below Table. Take the Delta, which is around 0.50. How do you calculate its value in dollars? Since it is negative, is the trader selling GBP or USD?

Please, let me know if more details are needed. Thanks for the help. I am new to FX Options.

Again, thanks for the help.

Focused on the main basic question and given bonus questions
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I'm trying to replicate the Example given in pag. 229-230 of Dynamic Hedging by N. Taleb and I am not sure on how to convert the Greeks in Dollars, and how the author is computing the Greeks and how he is computing the call price.

Start with a currency position in GBP-USD. Spot is 1.605. The trader buys a 6-month call (183 days) in the amount of GBP 100 mil. The price is 4.578% and the trader pays $4'578'000. USD rate is 5.8438% (yearly) and GBP is 6.915%. He computes the Forward exchange rate to be 1.5973.

He computes the Forward exchange rateI managed to beobtain the call value with BS (see formula in the Appendix) by supposing the market trades at 1, thus dividing the spot rate and the strike (=1.5973. I suppose that this is the strike price used in) by the computationspot rate.

Call price: He states at the beginning of the book that the market always trades at 100. So I computed the call price in this way by usingwould like to replicate the Blackwhole "Taleb \$-Scholes formula reportedvalue column" in th Appendix: $$ c = \text{BS}(S=\frac{1.6050}{1.6050},K=\frac{1.5973}{1.6050},t=\frac{183}{360},\sigma=15.7\%,r=5.8438\%,r_f=6.915\%)=0.0427986 $$the below Table. Take the Delta, which is around 0.50. How do you calculate its value in dollars?

Bonus Part for the ones willing to read everything

QuestionsBonus Questions:

I'm trying to replicate the Example given in pag. 229-230 of Dynamic Hedging by N. Taleb and I am not sure on how to convert the Greeks in Dollars, how the author is computing the Greeks and how he is computing the call price.

Start with a currency position in GBP-USD. Spot is 1.605. The trader buys a 6-month call (183 days) in the amount of GBP 100 mil. The price is 4.578% and the trader pays $4'578'000. USD rate is 5.8438% (yearly) and GBP is 6.915%.

He computes the Forward exchange rate to be 1.5973. I suppose that this is the strike price used in the computation.

Call price: He states at the beginning of the book that the market always trades at 100. So I computed the call price in this way by using the Black-Scholes formula reported in th Appendix: $$ c = \text{BS}(S=\frac{1.6050}{1.6050},K=\frac{1.5973}{1.6050},t=\frac{183}{360},\sigma=15.7\%,r=5.8438\%,r_f=6.915\%)=0.0427986 $$


I'm trying to replicate the Example given in pag. 229-230 of Dynamic Hedging by N. Taleb and I am not sure on how to convert the Greeks in Dollars and how the author is computing the Greeks.

Start with a currency position in GBP-USD. Spot is 1.605. The trader buys a 6-month call (183 days) in the amount of GBP 100 mil. The price is 4.578% and the trader pays $4'578'000. USD rate is 5.8438% (yearly) and GBP is 6.915%. He computes the Forward exchange rate to be 1.5973.

I managed to obtain the call value with BS (see formula in the Appendix) by supposing the market trades at 1, thus dividing the spot rate and the strike (=1.5973 I suppose) by the spot rate.

I would like to replicate the whole "Taleb \$-value column" in the below Table. Take the Delta, which is around 0.50. How do you calculate its value in dollars?

Bonus Part for the ones willing to read everything

Bonus Questions:

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