I remember having seen that somewhere, I can't find it any more. Anyone knows how can I get all the list of stocks on Yahoo finance.
Or even all american stocks, maybe Russell 1000/2000/3000...
I remember having seen that somewhere, I can't find it any more. Anyone knows how can I get all the list of stocks on Yahoo finance.
Or even all american stocks, maybe Russell 1000/2000/3000...
BATS has a nice downloadable file: http://batstrading.com/market_data/listed_symbols/
There's a CS and XML. They have 7,000 stocks in that list. Good stocks, not OTC.
For American stocks: if you are using Python 3, you can first, from a terminal, do
pip install get-all-tickers
from get_all_tickers import get_tickers as gt
list_of_tickers = gt.get_tickers()
# or if you want to save them to a CSV file
Alternatively, you can clone the file from https://github.com/shilewenuw/get_all_tickers/blob/master/get_all_tickers/tickers.csv
You can get a list of tickers for free using Finnhub's API.
You just need to request a free API key.
Check out the following documentation: https://finnhub.io/docs/api#stock-symbols
#pip install finnhub-python
import pandas as pd
import finnhub
#list of available exchanges
for i in exc:
exclist=exclist[1:] #take out "name" from the list
#retrieve tickers from every exchange available
finnhub_client = finnhub.Client(api_key="c46qn9iad3iagvmhdk7g")
for exchange in exclist:
for dicts in listofdicts:
print("You just got a list of %s tickers worldwide." % len(tickers), tickers)
I have found this tool: https://github.com/Benny-/Yahoo-ticker-symbol-downloader
It uses the search api https://finance.yahoo.com/_finance_doubledown/api/resource/searchassist;searchTerm=s6s?device=console&returnMeta=true
Yahoo Closed its API, we are also downloading manually all the symbols for our use. Also we are sharing it wil all on https://github.com/stockdatalab/YAHOO-FINANCE-SCREENER-SYMBOLS-AND-HISTORICAL-DATA. you can download from above link.
Google Yahoo both not providing symbol list any more also Google providing historical data only for one year of any company.
You can try this - it pulls down 400000 tickers. https://github.com/mlapenna7/yh_symbol_universe
YQL seems to fail at queries with like '%AM%' and also there is no other way to get list of all stock symbols. but i think this can do the trick..
select * from yahoo.finance.industry where id in (1,2,3....260)
this will give you list of companies and there symbols. start with select * from yahoo.finance.industry where id in (112) and see if it works.
For common equities, you the find the list in here.
There are 69k stocks from 49 exchanges.
Also, these tickers comply with Yahoo Finance's standard.
Here is the code to scrape all symbols present in that yahoo-finance screener. You can simply create a screener here
I have modified the code a little bit because yahoo-finance was returning an empty 404 response when working with the python requests module. Similar to this issue / solution
Here is the complete working code.
import requests
import json
import time
# Modify BASE_URL accordingly
BASE_URL = "https://finance.yahoo.com/screener/unsaved/79fce2f7-82fe-49ec-8098-88add84138ec?dependentField=sector&dependentValues=&offset=OFFSET&count=COUNT"
cnt = 100
offset = 0
flag = 1
temp = 10
name_to_symbol = []
total = 0
while flag > 0:
url = BASE_URL.replace("OFFSET", str(offset))
url = url.replace("COUNT",str(cnt))
offset += cnt
response = requests.get(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Custom'})
s = str(response.text)
jsonArrayStart = s.find('"results":{"rows"') + 18
jsonArrayEnd = jsonArrayStart + 1
while s[jsonArrayEnd] != ']':
jsonArrayEnd += 1
jsonArrayString = s[jsonArrayStart: jsonArrayEnd+1]
jsonArray = json.loads(jsonArrayString)
if len(jsonArray) != cnt:
flag = 0
total += len(jsonArray)
for obj in jsonArray:
if 'longName' in obj:
name_to_symbol.append([obj['symbol'], obj['longName']])
elif 'shortName' in obj:
name_to_symbol.append([obj['symbol'], obj['shortName']])
name_to_symbol.append([obj['symbol'], obj['symbol']])
P.S - Sorry for the late response. Also, I have rejected all the edits as they were irrelevant and I have fixed the code now. In future I would recommend commenting on the post instead of suggesting an improper edit
I made my own excel with 87k+ tickers, updated on May 2024, taken from Yahoo Finance lookup, I thought that would be helpful for a lot of folks out there so i have built a website in which I will continue to update it.
I am considering adding indexes, ETFs and so on if I receive enough donations, so keep an eye on that if U want :)
This is also comprehensive, with a breakdown by instrument type (stock, ETC, etc.), exchange, country. Published 2017. https://investexcel.net/all-yahoo-finance-stock-tickers/