I can help you beat random walk 'in the way you want', i.e. the expected value $E[\$]$ will always be positive even assuming no drift. However, I have to warn people that $E[\$] > 0$ is NOT really an adequate condition for 'beating' in reality (at least to myself).
Let's define some mathematical notations for derivation, and rephrase (simplify) vonjd's question without losing generality. Assume a trader plays a fair game, and his surplus $X(0), X(1), X(2), ... X(t)$ is a martingale.
Q: Can the trader find a stopping time $s$ such that $E[X($s$)] > X(0)$?
- A proof supporting Bootvis' answer, for comparison, consider a normal trading strategy that bets evenly. Then,
$$\begin{align*}E[X(s)] &= E[ E[X(s)|X(s-1), X(s-2),..., X(0)] ] \\
&= E[X(s-1)] = E[X(s-2)] = ... = E[X(0)] = X(0).\end{align*}$$
- Now, consider a 'double-betting' strategy. We keep doubling your losing trade until first win. Let's set the initial surplus, $X(0) = 0$ for simplicity.
Accordingly, $X(k) = X(k-1) + G(k)$, where $G(k)=\pm 2^{k}$ with probability $1/2$. Note that we get the power $(k)$ of $2$ in $G(k)$ because of 'double-betting'. Our market is still random walk.
This strategy is designed stop at a time $s = min{k}$ s.t. $G(k) > 0$ (Note that $Prob{s=infinity} = 0$)
Compute $E[X(s)]$ by conditioning on s:
E[X(s)] &= E[E[X(s)|s]] = \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} E[X(s)|s=k] * Prob{s=k} \\
&= \sum_{k=1}^{...} (-1-2-4-8...-2^{(k-1)} + 2^{k}) * (1/2)^{k} \\
&= \sum_{k=1}^{...} 1 * (1/2)^k = 1 > 0 = X(0)\end{align*}$$
A trader can make $E[X(s)]>0$ for random walk using the double-betting strategy. We proved that you can beat random walk in your definition of 'beating', i.e. expected value > 0.
This is actually a simplified proof supporting Akshay's answer. Whatever it's called: volatility pumping, Kelly strategy, optimal growth portfolio, and etc. These ideas simply ask one more question: why double? Is there an optimal betting ratio because of ... (various reasons and assumptions)?
WARNING: Yes, the expected value is indeed positive, and it might be an adequate proof for people who believe winning strategy is all about searching for $E[X(s)]>0$. Unfortunately, this is NOT adequate in reality, at least to myself. You have been warned.
A $E[X(s)]>0$ strategy is guaranteed to make you real fortune if and only if we have 'unlimited amount of capital'. For details (long story), see wiki: Martingale betting system.
You might ask what should we do if we only have limited capital? The Kelly criteria actually kind of offers the effect of the double-betting strategy for limited capital. For example, if you have a very weak trading signal (close to random walk in which there is no signal at all), the Kelly criteria will recommend you to bet something like \$1 (initially) for \$1M capital, and increase/decrease your position by certain % when you lose/win. Yeah, \$1M indeed looks like unlimited capital to \$1.
(From comment) There is no contradiction to the common sense that 'pure independence = zero E[PnL]'. $E[] > 0$ in my example and vonjd'd Parrondo's paradox are indeed exploited from sort of dependency. While the Parrondo's paradox exploits the dependency between two losing games, mine is exploiting the dependency from my losing trades (which is less obvious). But warn again: This is at the cost of ruin risk! Though Kelly and vol-pump strategies eliminate ruin risk, they still suffer from trending risk.