I read this paper
the two authors forecasts one day ahead gas price using, between the others, a GARCH model. How does this model works? Isn't a GARCH model useful just to forecast volatility? thank you!
I read this paper
the two authors forecasts one day ahead gas price using, between the others, a GARCH model. How does this model works? Isn't a GARCH model useful just to forecast volatility? thank you!
You are right - GARCH model models volatility. They write: " The GARCH [27] can be used to model changes in the variance of the errors as a function of time."
What people often do is to fit an ARIMA model (that can be used to forecast a time series) and apply a GARCH model to the errors (which gives you a feeling for the forecast error). See Hyndman and Athanasopoulos for a good, free online book on forecasting.