I have a specific framework in mind and I would like to value options under this framework. I am not sure whether a closed form solution exists or Monte Carlo methods would work. The framework I have in mind is the one from Lettau and Wachter 2007 (paper here).
In summary this is the framework:
Let $\epsilon_{t+1}$ denote a 3 × 1 vector of independent standard normal shocks that are independent of variables observed at time t.
Let $D_t$ denote the aggregate dividend in the economy at time t, and $d_t = ln D_t$. The aggregate dividend is assumed to evolve according to:
$\Delta d_{t+1} = g + z_t + \sigma_d \epsilon_{t+1}$.
where: $z_{t+1} = \phi_z +\sigma_z \epsilon_{t+1}$
Also assume that the stochastic discount factor is driven by a single state variable $x_t$ where:
$x_{t+1} = (1-\phi_x) \bar{x} + \phi_x x_t + \sigma_x \epsilon_{t+1}$.
$\sigma_d, \sigma_x, \sigma_z$ are all 1x3 vectors.
The stochastic discount factor is exogenously defined as: $M_{t+1} = exp ( -r^f - \frac{1}{2} x_t^2 - x_t \epsilon_{d,t+1})$ where:
where: $\epsilon_{d,t+1} = \frac{sigma_d}{\lVert \sigma_d \rVert} \epsilon_{t+1}$
It is quite straight forward to show that the price-dividend ratio of the equity claim the sum of all the claims to future dividends:
$\frac{P_t^m}{D_t} = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{P_{nt}}{D_t} = \sum_{n=1}^\infty exp(A(n) + B_x(n) x_t + B_z(n) z_t)$ where $A,B_x,B_z$ are solved in closed form solution.
Now what I am looking is a method to calculate the value of a call option, with strike $K$ and maturity $\tau$ under this framework, meaning:
$C(t,\tau,K) = E_t[M_{t,\tau}max(P^m_t-K,0)] $
Not sure whether a closed form solution exists... if not would Monte Carlo, work?