I believe that the process you postulate has a Beta conditional distribution. If my memory serves me well, I have encountered it in the book by Liptser and Shiryayev "Statistics of Random Processes" as the evolution of the conditional probability in a HMM. This was 10+ years ago, therefore I might be well off.
In that case you should be sampling from Beta to discretize
My mistake, the stationary distribution is Beta, not the conditional one. Therefore you will not be able to evolve from Beta exactly. The diffusion you postulate is called 'Jacobi diffusion', see Forman and Sørensen, case 6, at
I suspect that you might be able to use the stationary PDF to produce an approximate scheme to discretize.
Update 2:
Actually, let me change the notation slightly and write
$$d Y_t = \theta (\mu-Y_t)\ dt + \sqrt{2\alpha\theta Y_t(1-Y_t)}\ dB_t$$
which we know has a stationary distribution $Y_\infty\sim B\left(\frac{\mu}{\alpha}, \frac{1-\mu}{\alpha}\right)$.
Now, use the change of variable $X_t = f(Y_t) = 2 \arcsin\sqrt{Y_t}$, which leads to the diffusion
$$dX_t = \frac{\theta (\mu -\alpha/2) - (\alpha-1) \theta \sin^2 (X_t/2)}{|\sin X_t|}\ dt + \sqrt{2\alpha\theta}\ dB_t$$
You can simulate this as
$$x_{t+\delta} = x_t + \frac{\theta (\mu -\alpha/2) - (\alpha-1) \theta \sin^2 (x_t/2)}{|\sin x_t|}\ \delta + \sqrt{2\alpha\theta\delta}\ \epsilon_t,\quad \epsilon_t\sim N(0,1)$$
and then transform back to produce the paths
$$y_t = \sin^2 (x_t/2)$$