Say I have a portfolio of 3 stocks $A,B,C$ with $\mu_A = 5%$, $\mu_B = 10%$, $\mu_C = 15%$ and volatility $\sigma_A = 10%$, $\sigma_B = 15%$, and $\sigma_C = 25%$. Let us also say that correlations are $\rho_{AC} = 0.7$, $\rho_{AB} = 0.3$, and $\rho_{BC} = -0.1$. Say total portfolio value is 1 and it is composed of $A,B,C$ equally by value. How would I calculate the corresponding risk exposure that I have to each of the three underlying securities?
Portfolio $\mu_{total} = \frac{1}{3} \times \mu_A + \frac{1}{3} \times \mu_B + \frac{1}{3} \times \mu_C$.
Portfolio $\sigma_{total} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{9}(\sigma_A^2+\sigma_B^2+\sigma_C^2 + 2\rho_{AC}\sigma_A\sigma_C+2\rho_{AB}\sigma_A\sigma_B+2\rho_{BC}\sigma_B\sigma_C)}$
How would you divide up $\sigma_{total}$ or is it not possible?