I have a binary classification model that predicts BUY (1) and SELL (-1) with an out of sample F1 score of 71% (precision is 65% and recall is 80%). The model's output is a probability of a BUY label occurring, which is then used in a bet sizing formula to bet cash (similar to the kelly criterion). The model was also trained taking commission and conservative slippage into account.
Now that I have the trained model, I am backtesting on out of sample data. However, it seems that the execution is losing money in the long term. The model is performing as expected - even on the backtest data, it still performs with an F1 score of 71%, but it seems commission and slippage are eroding gains.
Are there any tips / rules / literature one should follow when backtesting and simulating execution? I find it strange that the model performs so well on out of sample data yet still loses money - again, the model was trained with conservative estimates on slippage, higher than would ever occur in actual trading.
EDIT: As suggested in the comments, I will expand a bit more on what the model is doing. The data is simple OHLCV time-series with some feature engineering applied (e.g. CDF values for the distribution of returns, making the prices stationary through the backshift operator, normalizing data between 0 and 1). The method for labelling data is taken from Lopez's Advances in Financial Machine Learing, specifically the Triple Barrier Labelling method; first you calculate percentage returns from close price, then calculate a EWMA of standard deviation (std) of these returns - this is like an implied volatility. The upper barrier is a multiple of the EWMA of std of returns and similarly with the lower barrier, the 3rd vertical barrier is a fixed window of time later (say 60 minutes, or 5 days). At each time i
, calculate the returns between i
and i + j
. If this return hits (is greater than or equal to) the upper barrier (upper EWMA of std of returns at i
), it is labelled BUY (1) at time i
. If the return hits the lower barrier (lower EWMA of std of returns at i
), it is labelled SELL (-1) at time i
. If the return has not hit either upper or lower barrier by the time the fixed window time has elapsed, it is labelled a SELL (-1) at time i
The backtest data is distributed the same as the training data, as shown by a chi-square test and the fact that the model achieves similar F1 scores between test data and backtest data (both out of sample).