I am trying to calculate the price of a European call option using both the the closed form expression and a monte carlo simulation. But the value's I get from both these methods are not the same:
Closed form expression:
$$q = \frac{(1+r)-d}{u-d}$$
$$C \frac{1}{(1+r)^T} * \left [\sum \limits_{i=0}^T \binom{T}{i}*q^i*(1-q)^{T-i}*max(u^i*d^{T-i}*S_0-K, 0) \right ]$$
Python implementation of closed from expression:
import math
T = 10 # Number of periods
S0 = 8 # Starting price of stock
K = 9 # Strike price of option
r = 0.2 # Risk free interest rate
u = 1.5 # Up factor
d = 0.5 # Down factor
C = 0 #Value of call
risk_free = 1 / (1 + r)**T
q = ((1 + r) - d) / (u - d)
for i in range(T+1):
prob = math.comb(T, i)*(q**T)*(1-q)**(T-i)
ST = max(((u**i)*(d**(T-i))*S0)-K, 0)
C += ST*prob
Output: 4.945275514422904
Python implementation of monte carlo simulation:
import random
T = 10 # Number of periods
S0 = 8 # Starting price of stock
K = 9 # Strike price of option
r = 0.2 # Risk free interest rate
u = 1.5 # Up factor
d = 0.5 # Down factor
n = 20000 # Number of runs
for j in range(n):
S = S0
for i in range(T):
S *= u if random() < q else d
value += max(S - K, 0)
value /= n * (1 + r) ** T
print("For {} runs the value is {}".format(n, value))
Output: 6.876698097695621
I don't understand what causes this difference, because the code does produce the same values when I set T=2 and S0=10
, but that input does have a different p value of 0.2 while the current input has a p value of 0.25, but i don't understand what the p value means at it is not used in the formula..