
I have the following code:

        cashflows = pd.DataFrame({
            'Nominal': cf.nominal(),
            'AccrualStartDate': cf.accrualStartDate().ISO(),
            'AccrualEndDate': cf.accrualEndDate().ISO(),
            'AccrualPeriod': cf.accrualPeriod(),
            'Price': cf.price(disco_yts),
            'Rate': cf.rate(),
            'Amount': cf.amount(),
            'Forward': cf.indexFixing(),
            'FloatAccruedAmount': cf.accruedAmount(valuation_date+1)
        } for cf in map(ql.as_floating_rate_coupon, swap.leg(1)))

        fixed_cashflows = pd.DataFrame({
            'FixedAmount': cf.amount(),
            'FixedAccruedAmount': cf.accruedAmount(valuation_date+1)
        } for cf in map(ql.as_fixed_rate_coupon, swap.leg(0)))


My issue is that amount (from floating leg) is not as expected.

Mathematically I want amount to be

amount = nominal x accrualperiod x forward ,

but instead it seems as though Quantlib is doing something completely different? This is strange because 99% of the time it does create amounts as expected. What am I missing?

TradeId Nominal AccrualPeriod Price Forward Amount ExpectedAmount
0 bob -2421350000 0.084931507 -20443249.84 0.06458 - 20 478 517.87 -  13 280 806.23
1 bob -2421350000 0.252054795 -61382112.76 0.067465903 - 62 536 259.86 -  41 175 309.17
2 bob -2421350000 0.243835616 -63886355.38 0.077314926 - 66 312 009.20 -  45 647 611.25
3 bob -2421350000 0.252054795 -65823488.94 0.079179836 - 69 685 424.07 -  48 324 473.39
4 bob -2421350000 0.252054795 -65385660.54 0.080726366 - 70 629 291.20 -  49 268 340.52
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ May you share the code you're using to build the swap? And may you also show the column for Rate in the table? $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 10, 2022 at 14:27
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks @LuigiBallabio, I just figured out that I have a spread for that specific trade. So the amount is determined by the rate, not the forward. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 10, 2022 at 18:10

1 Answer 1


As commented by Mr Ballabio, the Amount column is determined by nominal x accrualperiod x rate, not forward, when a spread occurs.


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