I'm trying to follow the derivation of the stochastic vol pde for an option price - as given in Gatheral (The vol surface), Wilmott on Quant Finance and many other places. As usual one starts off with a portfolio $\Pi = C + \Delta S + \Delta_1 V$, from which we want to derive a PDE which the option price $C(t,S,\sigma)$ satisfies. Apply Ito's formula, and choosing the hedge ratios appropriately we can make this portfolio riskless. After some algebra we end up with something like
$$g(S, C,C_t, C_S, C_{SS}, C_\sigma, C_{\sigma,s})=g(S,V,V_t, V_S, V_{SS}, V_\sigma, V_{\sigma,s})$$
i.e. a relationship $g$ between the derivatives of $V$ and $C$ (in particular I'm referring to the first equation on page 6 here). Now this is the part I don't understand, right under that equation the author says something along the lines, "Since the left hand side is a function of $C$ only and the right hand side is a function of $V$ only, the only way the equality can be true is if both sides equal to some function $f$ of the independent variables $S$, $\sigma$ and $t$". Can someone explain why this is so exactly?
And also why without loss of generality can we assume this function takes the form $f(t,S,\sigma)=\alpha-\phi \beta \sqrt{\sigma}$?
The complete derivation can be found here.