I am having some difficult showing what the following equals, where $x$ and $y$, $x>y$, distinct times:
$\mathbb{E}[\Delta W_x \Delta W_y]$
where each $\Delta W_t = W_t - W_{t-1}$.
I have decomposed it into its four terms, which allows taking expectations of the product of some W term and another, which I think is 0 by independence, but that makes this entire expectation 0, which makes the overall covariance I am solving for to be 0, which seems off to me.
The full problem I am trying to solve is:
$Cov(\Delta Z_t + \Delta\epsilon_t, \Delta Z_{t-i} + \Delta\epsilon_{t-i})$,
where $Z_t = \kappa W_t$ and $i = 1,2,3,...$, $W$ and $\epsilon $ independent, so guidance with how to would be even more appreciated, really.