I think this is a quite similar question for most of you, however it is not completely understandable for me at the moment:
Why do we usually use returns and not prices to model financial data in time series analysis,...?
I think this is a quite similar question for most of you, however it is not completely understandable for me at the moment:
Why do we usually use returns and not prices to model financial data in time series analysis,...?
Basically, prices usually have a unit root, while returns can be assumed to be stationary. This is also called order of integration, a unit root means integrated of order 1, I(1), while stationary is order 0, I(0). Time series that are stationary have a lot of convenient properties for analysis. When a time series is non-stationary, then that means the moments will change over time. For instance, for prices, the mean and variance would both depend on the previous period's price. Taking the percent change (or log difference), more often than not, removes this effect.
One easy way to visualize the difference between the two is to calculate the correlation with lagged values of a time series with itself (also called the autocorrelation function). Plot this for a number of lags. Returns should have correlations near zero, while prices should start out very high and exponentially decay.
Perhaps overly simplistic and repeating the pt above, but when doing statistics, ideally we want to compare like with like.
Returns can be comparable with each other.
Prices on the other hand always depend on the previous price.
Just a bit of illustration added to @John's answer. Look at log prices $\log(P_t)$, assume that you know $P_0$ then $$ \log(P_t) = \log(P_0) + r_1 + \cdots r_t $$ where $r_i = \log(P_i)-\log(P_{i-1})$ are the log returns. By modelling the log-returns (which as already said take values on the whole real line which is a nice property for modelling) we model the 'atoms' of the prices.
There things as changing volatility (of returns) and volatility clustering but as a starting point we can assume the volatility of $r$ as constant even then the volatility of $\log(P_t)$ would be increasing as more and more summands enter. Imagine what happens if we look at reality where the volatility of $r$ is stochastic or at least changing (hetero-skedasticity).
Meucci in his work looks at invariant quantities in financial markets. Following his illustrations you can convince yourself that returns can more easily be assumed to be invariant than prices. @John has already answered a similar question quite exactly 2 years ago.
Somewhat sloppy, you could say this.
Prices are totally unpredictable and follow a brownian motion. Therefore you can not predict prices. However, returns have structure so you can predict returns.