I'm confused on modeling the second pass regression given the beta's from the first pass.
First-pass regression :
$r_{it} - r_{ft} = a_{i}+b_{i}(r_{Mt}-r_{ft})+e_{it}$
For estimating this model (9 diff models), I regressed the annual returns for different stocks on the index variable and obtained 9 different betas.
Second-pass regression :
$\overline{r_{i}-r_{f}} = \gamma_{0}+\gamma_{1}b_{i} + \gamma_{2}\sigma^{2}(e_{i})$
Now that I have the betas, I need to regression the average return on the reported betas, but I'm not sure what the dependent variable is in this regression?
What is the dependent variable in this case and how would you run this regression?