Without having to use Black-Scholes, how do I price this option using a basic no-arbitrage argument?
Assume zero interest rate and a stock with current price at \$$1$ that pays no dividend. When the price hits level \$$H$ ($H>1$) for the first time you can exercise the option and receive \$$1$. What is the fair price $C$ of the option today?
My thoughts so far
According to my book, the answer is $\frac{1}{H}$. I'm stuck on the reasoning.
Clearly I'm not going to pay more than \$$\frac{1}{H}$ for this option. If $C > \frac{1}{H}$ then I would simply sell an option and buy $C$ shares with $0$ initial investment. Then:
- If the stock reaches $H$ I pay off the option which costs \$$1$ but I have $\$CH > 1$ worth of shares.
- If the stock does not reach $H$ I don't owe the option owner anything but I still have $CH>0$ shares.
What if $C<\frac{1}{H}$? Then $CH<1$ and I could buy $1$ option at \$$C$ by borrowing $C$ shares at \$$1$ each. Then:
- If the stock reaches $H$ then I receive $1-CH > 0$ once I pay back the $C$ shares at $\$H$ each.
- But if the stock does not reach $H$, then I do not get to exercise my option and I still owe $C S_t $ where $S_t$ is the current price of the stock. This is where I am stuck.