I have created quite a large financial model in Excel with lots of input parameters which (after all calculations) have an influence on the output business indicators.
Among the input parameters are
- the expected average price of product;
- the expected number of purchases in first day;
- the expected demand growth rate;
- the market size limit;
- and so on.
Among the output indicators are
- amount of investments required;
- pay-back period;
- IRR;
- the absolute profit on 3rd or 4th year of project execution;
- and so on.
I want to investigate different scenarios of project execution by varying input parameters in certain range. The goal is to find out the worst possible, the best possible and the most likely scenarios and to prove project attractiveness from the risks point of view.
Are there any well-known scientific approach to such kind of modelling? (One of the main caveats here is that the input and output data is multi-dimensional)