In this paper,, in the derivation of the mean variance efficient portfolio using lagrangians in the appendix, on page 29, the two portfolios are defined:
$$ \pi_R=\frac{V^{-1}R}{1^TV^{-1}R}, \quad \pi_\sigma=\frac{V^{-1} 1}{1^TV^{-1}1} $$ where $V$ is the covariance matrix, $R$ is a column vector of returns and $1$ is the vector of ones. $\pi_R$ is said to be the portfolio that maximises the sharpe ratio while $\pi_\sigma$ is the portfolio that minimises variance, I'm not quite sure how the definitions follow?
Update: For background:If we let $d$ be a column vector of active weights, that is, the difference between the portfolio weight and the benchmark, then the objective is to: $$ \text{max} ~~R^T d $$ subject to $$ d^T V d = \sigma^2_\alpha, \quad 1^Td =0 $$ where $\sigma^2_\alpha$ is the active portfolios variance of arithmetic return.
Setting up the lagrangian and a bit of calculus gets to: $$ d=\frac{1}{2\lambda_1} \left( V^{-1}R - \left(\frac{1^TV^{-1}R}{1^TV^{-1}1} \right)V^{-1} 1\right) $$ this is the last step before the portfolios are defined.