
In CFA Level Reading 45

Commodities include precious metals, energy products, industrial metals, and agricultural products. Real assets are tangible properties such as real estate, airplanes, or machinery. Securities, currencies, and contracts are classified as financial assets whereas commodities and real assets are classified as physical assets.

So commodities is not a real asset? Commodities and real assets are part of physical assets?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The distinction is as I understand it between capital (airplanes, real estate) and commodities. Both are physical (pumpkins and bridges), but real assets are capital assets. $\endgroup$ Oct 28, 2015 at 8:59
  • $\begingroup$ I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's not related to Quantitative Finance in particular. $\endgroup$
    – SRKX
    Oct 28, 2015 at 9:02
  • $\begingroup$ do whatever you want... $\endgroup$
    – Ben
    Oct 28, 2015 at 9:41
  • $\begingroup$ quant.stackexchange.com/questions/21417/… Mine q is off topic, but this basic rudimentary question about CAPM is "quantitative finance"? Oh please. $\endgroup$
    – Ben
    Oct 29, 2015 at 5:46


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