I was wondering if anyone could help me with the instantaneous forward rate equation for a Black-Karasinski interest rate model?
I was also after the Black-Karasinski Bond Option Pricing Formula.
I was wondering if anyone could help me with the instantaneous forward rate equation for a Black-Karasinski interest rate model?
I was also after the Black-Karasinski Bond Option Pricing Formula.
Hi the forward rate equation is not dependent on the model it is calculated upon the prices of zero coupon bonds by the following equation :
$$ P(t,T)=exp{-\int_t^T f_t(u).du} $$
If you have a continuum of zero coupon bond prices which are sufficiently smooth then you can deduce from it that :
$$f_0(T)=-\frac{\partial Ln(P(0,T))}{\partial T}$$
Anyway, I think that what you are really asking for, is what is the set of SDEs followed by those instantaneous forward rates under proper measure. I haven't done the calculations (it really bothers me) but I can indicae the following procedure,to wit you have to reconcile HJM with BK, which are respectively given by :
$$d (ln r_t)= \kappa(\theta(t) - ln(r_t))dt +\sigma dW_t$$
and :
$$df_t(u)=\sigma'(t,u)[\int_t^u\sigma'(t,s)ds]dt+\sigma'(t,u)dW_t$$ and $r_t=f(t,t)$.
Anyway there is no analytical (to my knowledge) Bond and Bond Option prices in this model.
By the way that there are finite explosion time problems in this model. You should try Hull & white model or CIR model if you want your rates to stay positive.
Best Regards