I'm planing to store stock market data in realtime and aggregate ticks for draw volume based cluster graph. Something like this:
Every tick (or second) data will be grouped by period (1,5,10 minutes; 1,4,24 hours), type (buy, sell) and price; calculated sum of volumes. Result will be something like this:
{timestamp: "2016/01/30 15:04:00", period: "1m", price: 123.45, buy: 2345, sell: 1998},
{timestamp: "2016/01/30 15:04:00", period: "1m", price: 123.46, buy: 3111, sell: 1040},
{timestamp: "2016/01/30 15:05:00", period: "1m", price: 123.46, buy: 1421, sell: 3475},
{timestamp: "2016/01/30 15:05:00", period: "1m", price: 123.47, buy: 6056, sell: 9138},
For delivery ticks from stocks to db I will use nats (https://github.com/nats-io/gnatsd). Which database I can use for store and aggregate in realtime?