What are the initial and boundary conditions for a Butterfly Option? I want to write up a PDE program for it and I have a rough idea of what the payoff should be (is it just a call and a put at the strike price?) but if anyone can provide me with definitive answers then I'd greatly appreciate it. In particular, I'm after stuff like the time $T$ boundary condition (which is usually the option payoff and taken as the initial condition) which is written as $u(T,x)$, the boundary condition as $x \rightarrow 0$ i.e. $\lim_{x\rightarrow 0} u(t,x)$ (which I think should be equal to $0$) and the boundary condition as $x \rightarrow \infty$ i.e. $\lim_{x\rightarrow \infty} u(t,x)$
On a related note, I'm new to financial mathematics and every time I need to look for the conditions for options other than a call option I usually find it incredibly difficult (I have to google search everything for nearly an hour to find something relevant it seems). Does anyone have a resource which provides the initial and boundary conditions for a range of options?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Okay, a quick search showed me that the payoff to a Butterfly Spread is $(S - K_c)^+ + (K_{p} - S)^+ - (S - K_{atm})^+ - (K_{atm} - S)^+$ where $K_{atm} = \frac{K_c + K_p}{2}$, however, I still don't know what the boundary conditions are, can someone tell me what they are (and hopefully even how to derive them?) Thanks!