I'm reading the following two papers (first, second) which suggest a so called "stochastic collocation method" to obtain an arbitrage free volatility surface very close to an initial smile stemming from a sabr. The first paper provides background about the method in general, where the second one is a nice short overview more applied to the specific situation I'm interested in.
So we observe $\sigma(K_i)$ implied normal volatilities (bpsvol) in the market for certain reltaive strikes $ATM + x$bps. $x$ can be something like $25, -50$ etc.
1. Step: Calibrate an initial Sabr Here I fit a Sabr using the Hagans paper assuming a nomral model, i.e. $\beta = 0$. Based on the original paper of Hagan $$ \sigma_N(K) = \alpha\frac{\zeta}{\hat{x}{(\zeta)}}\left(1+\frac{2-3\rho^2}{24}\nu^2\tau_{exp}\right)$$ where $\zeta = \frac{\nu}{\alpha}(f-K)$ and $\hat{x}{(\zeta)}=\log{\left(\frac{\sqrt{1-2\rho\zeta+\zeta^2}-\rho+\zeta}{1-\rho}\right)}$
This is straight forward and can be tuned to get dsirable results. In what follows we assume such a fit was successful and we were able to find a solution $(\alpha,\nu,\rho)$. As outlined for low strikes and logner maturities the implied density function can go negative. In the case of swaption we see low rates and have long maturities, so I would like to remove this butterfly arbitrage using the technique described in the papers above.
The remaining steps are based on the second paper. The idea in short is to use a cheap distribution $F_X$, easy to sample from, to sample a expansive one, $F_Y$. The goal is to find a function $g$ such that $$ F_X(x) = F_Y(g(x))$$ and $Y\overset{d}=g(X)$. They susggest to use the following approximation $$y_n \approx g_N(x_n) = \sum_{i=1}^Ny_i l(x_n)$$ a polynomial expansion. Note, $x_i$ and $y_i$ will be strike. How we choose this strikes is not important for my question.
2. Step: Survival distribution: As in the paper we want to choose $X$ to be normally distributed and $Y$ should be the survival distribution function (SDF) from the sabr model, which is given by equation 2.3 in the second paper $$G_Y(y)=1-\int_{-\infty}^y f_Y(x)dx = \int^{\infty}_y f_Y(x)dx=-\frac{\partial V_{call}(t,K)}{\partial K}\rvert_{K=y}\tag{1} $$ which then leads to $$y_n \approx g_N(x) = \sum_{i=1}^NG^{-1}_Y(G_X(\bar{x_i}))l(x)$$
Question: In the paper they say one should really integrate from $y$ to $\infty$ in $(1)$ and not use the representation $G_Y(y) = 1-F_Y(y)$. How should I integrate this? How do I find the density $f_Y$? Do I have to approximate it numerically, or should I use the partial derivative of the call prices?
Assuming I was able to get this approxmiation $g_N(x)$ the third step consists then of a recalibration of the sabr model:
Recalibration of Sabr: (section 3.5 in the second paper). Here they suggest to recalibrate to market data using: $$ \min\sum_i(\sigma(K_i)-\sigma_{g_N}(K_i))^2$$
Question But how does the form $\sigma_{g_N}$ looks like depending on $g_N$? Since they dont mention the specific formula it must be a rather trivial question, but I dont see the solution.