I am trying to figure out what all online Quant Finance courses are out there which are free or relatively less pricey?
- CQF is not less pricey
- Financial Engineering course on Coursera - Not so great unless you are a very basic learner
- Option Pricing course on EDX - I found it to be good.
- MIT Open Courseware videos - pretty good.
- Monte Carlo Methods in Finance - This was hosted on some MOOC platform in 2014. Pretty interesting for beginners
But most of the above ones except CQF is not a full fledged course which 1 can pursue. In today's world of MOOC's there are so many Data Science specializations out there but I don't see any on Quantitative Finance/Stochastic Calculus/Derivatives Modelling etc. courses out there.
Does anybody have any idea if any such courses are available or maybe about to be available?
Thanks a lot.