I am using the MSGARCH package on R to fit a Markov switching GARCH model. I fit the GARCH model using fit.MLE (so standard Maximum Likelihood), using three regimes. The parameters are estimated and given by the vector:
$\theta = (\alpha_{11}, \alpha_{12}, \alpha_{13}, \alpha_{21}, \alpha_{22}, \alpha_{23}, \beta_{1}, \beta_{2}, \beta_{3}, P_{1}, P_{2}, P_{2}, P_{4}, P_5, P_6)$.
Where the j in $\alpha_{ij}$, $\beta_{j}$ denotes the state. The outputed $P_i$ is only six elements and with negative values. Its not the expected nine elements from the transition Probability matrix. Does anyone know what this is? Or how to lookup the correct matrix $P$?
Here is the code for outputing the vector above (importsnp is a series of log-returns):
snp <- as.matrix(importsnp)*100
spec <- MSGARCH::create.spec(model = c("sGARCH","sGARCH","sGARCH"),
distribution = c("norm","norm","norm"),
do.skew = c(FALSE,FALSE,FALSE),
do.mix = FALSE,
do.shape.ind = FALSE)
fit <- MSGARCH::fit.mle(spec = spec, y = snp)
theta <- fit$theta
variable) but I hope this is answerable now. $\endgroup$