As James has pointed out in the comments, White's Reality Check is specifically designed to control the family-wise error rate given $k > 2$ statistics. The theory does not depend on $k$ asymptotics, so there is nothing invalid about using White's Reality Check for $2$ statistics, but in practice there would be little point to doing this. Further, as stevo`america points out above, the Reality check had a patent on it until two years ago - whether it would be enforced in a court case though is another question entirely...
In particular, for $k=2$, it is fairly straightforward to construct a simple statistical test for the difference in two Sharpe ratios. Presumably there is some insight in Ledoit and Wolf's paper that makes their statistic superior to what I am about to suggest. Also, see stevo`americas comments on the question for references to some other sophisticated testing measures. But if what you're after is simplicity, then the following is still perfectly valid:
Let $R_{1,t}$, and $R_{2,t}$ denote returns on the two assets of interest. In this framework, I define the Sharpe ratio:
S_1 = \frac{\mathbb{E} R_{1,t}}{\sqrt{\mathbb{V} R_{1,t}}}
For any random variable $X_t$ the sample mean is defined:
\bar{X} = \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T X_t
\bar{\sigma}_1 = \sqrt{\frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^T (R_{1,t} - \bar{R}_1)^2}
A natural estimator for $S_1$ is:
\hat{S}_1 = \frac{\bar{R}_1}{\bar{\sigma}_1}
I assume suitable regularity conditions on $R_{1,t}$ such that $\bar{R}_1 \overset{\mathbb{P}}{\rightarrow} \mathbb{E} R_{1,t}$, $\sqrt{T} \bar{R}_1 \overset{d}{\rightarrow} \mathcal{N}$, and $\bar{\sigma}_1 \overset{\mathbb{P}}{\rightarrow} \sqrt{\mathbb{V}(R_{1,t})}$ (e.g. weak dependence and suitably bounded moments). By Slutsky's theorem, these conditions are sufficient for:
\hat{S}_1 \overset{\mathbb{P}}{\rightarrow} S_1
and note that by Cramer's theorem:
\sqrt{T} \bar{S}_1 = \frac{\sqrt{T} \bar{R}_1}{\bar{\sigma}_1} \overset{d}{\rightarrow} \mathcal N
since the numerator is converging in distribution to a Normal, and the denominator is converging in probability to a constant strictly greater than $0$.
So we have a CLT for our statistic. For the purposes testing a difference in two statistics, it is easier if our statistic can be phrased as a single sample mean. This is straightforward. Let:
Y_{1,t} = (\bar{\sigma}_1)^{-1} R_{1,t} ,
where it is worth emphasizing that it immediately follows that:
\hat{S}_1 = \bar{Y}_1 .
Incorporating the second asset, we now define:
d_t = Y_{1,t} - Y_{2,t} .
The theory thus far is sufficient to show that under:
H_0 : S_1 = S_2 ,
we have:
\bar{d} \overset{d}{\rightarrow} \mathcal{N}(0, \alpha) .
So we've literally transformed the problem into testing whether a sample mean is equal to zero, with a CLT existing for the sample mean. If you think $d_t$ exhibits time-series dependence, then you will need to estimate $\alpha$ using a HAC estimator, or else you could just bootstrap the statistic. Both are likely to give you similar outcomes. If you aren't worried about time-series dependence then just estimate $\alpha$ using the sample standard deviation of $d_t$ over $\sqrt{T}$.