I've been experimenting with bond pricing using easily available data (treasury auction prices and treasury yield curves on treasury direct).
At first I assumed that I could use the components yield curve to price any (risk free) series of cash flows, but that doesn't work because the curve is of the yield-to-maturity of instruments with multiple payments over time, not spot rates for cash on a date.
I feel like I should be able to approximate the spot rate curve from the treasury curve, but I'm not sure how. I feel like I need more than just the yield-to-maturity - wouldn't I also need the coupon rate for an instrument? Otherwise the equation
$$ PV_{\text{payments discounted with IRR}} = PV_\text{payments discounted at spot rates} $$ $$ par*df_{IRR}+\sum_{c=coupons}c*df_{IRR} = par*df_{spot}(t_{par})+\sum_{c = coupons}c*df_{spot}(t_c) $$
has too many unknowns.
Is there published coupon rates that go along with the treasury yield curve? Am I missing something fundamental here? Am I just working with the wrong data-set?
I don't have any formal background in finance, so if the answer is "read book $x" then that is okay with me.