I've been waiting for someone to ask this question since every published method with which I am familiar propose weights which converge to $1$ only when the numbers of terms goes to infininity. This is quite annoying as it either requires we use a biased estimate which underestimates the true exponentially weighted mean or use back-dated information to parameter-ize the initial value.
Suppose you have weighting factors in which lagged weights are a factor of $\beta$, where:
$$\beta= e^{\frac{-\Delta t}{\tau}}$$
(note: $\beta[t]$ is the canonical weighting vector of an exponential moving average)
To come up weights, we want to find a series such that:
$${\Sigma}_{t=0}^{T=N}( \frac{\beta^{T-t}}{\Sigma\beta^{\Delta t}}) = 1$$
The sum of the raw exponential weights can be found through a series expansion:
$$\Sigma_{t=0}^{T=N} \beta^{\Delta t} = \frac{1-\beta^T}{1-\beta}$$
Therefore, periodic weights, $\omega_i$ can found as follows:
$$\omega_i = {\Sigma}_{t=0}^{T=N}\frac{\beta^{T-t}(1-\beta)}{1-\beta^T}$$.
If we have a vector of values:
$$X_i = [X_1,\, X_2, \, ...X_N]$$
and a vector of weights:
$$\omega_i = [\omega_1,\, \omega_2, \, ...\omega_N]$$
the dot-product of the two vectors will provide an unbiased estimate of the exponentially weighted average where the sum of weights always equal $1$ and where no out-of-sample terms are required to parameterize the initial value. The recursion is limited only to a finite series the same size as the data to be weighted.
$$\text{EWMA} = f(\omega_i \cdot X_i)= \Sigma (\omega_i * X_i)$$
Please let me if/how this works for you.