Calculating the normalized (e.g., percent or logarithmic) return on investment on a long (equity, call option, etc...) position is fairly simple. The percent return on investment for any position which costs $\mathbb{P_t}$ is
$$r_{long} = \frac{\mathbb{P}_T-\mathbb{P}_t}{\mathbb{P}_t}$$
where, $\mathbb{P}$ is the Numeraire property of a position (and thereby discounts interest payments and/or dividends).
This property is "calcuable" simply because the upfront cost of the position is finite. However, the position cost of a short seems to be undefined. Rather, one who shorts an instrument, including options, receives $\mathbb{P_t}$, so the percent PnL seems to be undefined:
$$r_{short} = \frac{\mathbb{P}_t-\mathbb{P}_T}{0} = \text{undef.}$$
This intuition is backed by the possibility of infinite loss on a short. The PnL of a short put, on the other hand, is slightly better defined because the maximum risk is equivalent to long equity.
What are some ways to calculate a normalized and/or risk-adjusted PnL on a short position? Is there any way to calculate initial investment as capital at risk.