I am looking at AAPL TAQ high-frequency trade data from NYSE and I have noticed that at several places the trade price (defined in Daily TAQ Client Specification as: "The Trade Price is the monetary value of an individual share of security at the time of the trade.") is quoted with three decimal digits. However, the TAQ quote data file does not contain quotes with three decimal digits, only two are present (as the minimal tick value for AAPL is 0.01$). Therefore, I am perplexed how to interpret the trades represented by three decimal digits, as there are no corresponding quotes at those prices. My question is, what is the reason behing this discrepancy?
EDIT: The sample trades can look like this: [time in nanoseconds, exchange, stock, ..., trade size, trade price, ...]
113750721732148 Y MSFT ... 100 60.55 ...
113750722078102 V MSFT ... 19 60.545 ...
113750746289535 K MSFT ... 100 60.55 ...
And for example, at 113748385546534 there was a trade with trade price 60.54. So trades fluctuate between the best bid and best ask prices, but there is this trade that is within the spread.
Source: NYSE TAQ trade sample data available here ftp://ftp.nyxdata.com/Historical%20Data%20Samples/Daily%20TAQ%20Sample/. I am talking about AAPL trades in a file EQY_US_ALL_TRADE_20161024 and AAPL quotes in a file SPLITS_US_ALL_BBO_A_20161024.