I have a derivative that pays off $S_T^2$ at time $T > 0$ with $S_T$ denoting the price of a non dividend-paying stock at $T$. I came across a question about how one can statically replicate this derivative with vanilla calls and puts.
My guess is that it is impossible to do that on the entire support of $S_T$. Since the square function dominates a linear function eventually and the call option is linear in $S_T$ for $S_T$ large enough, there cannot be a sequence of linear combinations of calls and puts that converges to the payoff of this derivative pointwise. I was also given a hint that I should consider integration. I am aware that $S_T^2$ can be written as $S_T^2 = 2\int_0^{S_T}x\,dx$ but I am not sure if that is what the hint hints at. Any tips/solutions appreciated.