In an simpler AR(1) case (you can generalize to AR(2)) we have that:
y_{t}=\beta y_{t-1}+\epsilon _{t},
Even under the assumption $E(\epsilon_{t}y_{t-1})=0$ we have that
E(\epsilon_ty_{t})=E(\epsilon_t(\beta y_{t-1}+\epsilon _{t}))=E(\epsilon _{t}^{2})\neq 0.
But, $y_t$ is also a regressor for future values in ain AR model, as $y_{t+1}=\beta y_{t}+\epsilon_{t+1}$.
Or in other words:
$$\hat\beta =\beta + \frac{\sum_{t=2}^Ty_{t-1}\varepsilon_t}{\sum_{t=2}^Ty_{t-1}^2}$$
For unbiasedness we need
But for that we need that $E(\varepsilon_t|y_{1},...,y_{T-1})=0,$ for each $t$. For AR(1) model this clearly fails, since $\varepsilon_t$ is related to the future values $y_{t},y_{t+1},...,y_{T}$.
Take a look of to this example with gaussian errors: