We want to predict the direction towards which the price will change. In this work the term price is used to refer to the mid-price of a stock, which is defined as the mean between the best bid price and best ask price at time $t$: $$p_t = \frac{p_a^{(1)}(t)+p_b^{(1)}(t)}{2}$$
This is a virtual value for the price since no order can happen at that exact price, but predicting its upwards or downwards movement provides a good estimate of the price of the future orders. A set of discrete choices must be constructed from our data to use as targets for our classification model. Simply using $p_t > p_{t+k}$ to determine the direction of the mid price would introduce unmanageable amount of noise, since the smallest change would be registered as an upward or downward movement.
lightly different from the previous one. Thus the shortterm changes between prices are very small and noisy. In order to filter such noise from the extracted labels we use the following smoothed approach. First, the mean of the previous $k$ mid-prices, denoted by $m_b$, and the mean of the next $k$ mid-prices, denoted by $m_a$, are defined as: $$m_a(t) = \frac{1}{k} \sum_{i=1}^{k} p_{t-i}$$ $$m_b(t) = \sum_{i=0}^{k} p_{t+i}$$
where $p_t$ is the mid price as described in Equation (2). Then, a label $l_t$ that express the direction of price movement at time $t$ is extracted by comparing the previously defined quantities ($m_b$ and $m_a$):
$$ l_t = \begin{cases} 1, & m_b(t) > m_a(t) (1+α)\\ -1, & m_b(t) < m_a(t) (1-α) \\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$
where the threshold $α$ is set as the least amount of change in price that must occur for it to be considered upward or downward. If the price does not exceed this limit, the sample will be considered to belong to the stationary class. Therefore, the resulting label expresses the current trend we wish to predict. Note that this process is applied for every time step in our data.
Forecasting Stock Prices from the Limit Order Book using Convolutional Neural Networks (link)
The above text explains a labelling strategy for high frequency trading. In my case, I would like to make medium frequency trading using deep recurrent neural network and that labelling strategy. By MFT, I mean that the trading frequency is approximately the same as the trading frequency of a normal trader.
I am looking for a strategy which is adapted for that kind of frequency. I have some well known strategies example, but I don't know which one could be a good start.
- Order flow prediction HFT strategies
- Execution HFT Strategies
- Liquidity Provisioning – Market Making strategies
- Automated HFT Arbitrage strategies
Source : https://www.quantinsti.com/blog/automated-market-making-overview/
What could be a good trading strategy for this type of frequency?
link is broken... $\endgroup$