I am working on a project which needs to find portfolio return for the next m months.
To begin, let say investor hold a portfolio of $N$ stocks with weight $w_i$ invested in stock $i$, what is the investor's m-month buy and hold portfolio return given the monthly return for each stock in the portfolio? $$r_{P,1\rightarrow m}=\sum^N_{i=1}w_i(1+r_{i1})(1+r_{i2})...(1+r_{im})-1$$
where $r_{it}$ ($t=1,..., m$) is stock $i$'s return in month $t$.
In Liu and Strong (2006) paper Biases in Decomposing Holding Period Portfolio Returns, they suggest the following calculation is true:
$$\Pi_{t=1}^m (1+r_{Pt})-1 = \sum^N_{i=1}w_i(1+r_{i1})(1+r_{i2})...(1+r_{im})-1$$
$r_{Pt}$ is the overall portfolio return.
This equation on the LHS - I believe- is saying if we want to calculate the portfolio in next m-months, we can either do weighted average all stocks in the portfolio at each time period t to form portfolio return and multiply monthly portfolio return to get the return for the next m-months. This is equal to (RHS) by multiplying individual stock $i$'s next m-period return, then weighted average the stocks in the portfolio.
When I put some arbitrary numbers in it I get totally different answers.
Let say I want to learn what is the next month portfolio return is, so $t=2$. We have 2 stocks in each portfolio. The weight used with be equal weighted, this means each stock $i$ have 50% shares in this portfolio.
The respective return at $t=1$: stock $i=1$ is 0.3 and stock $i=2$ is 0.5.
The respective return at $t=2$: stock $i=1$ is 0.6 and stock $i=2$ is 0.4.
According to the LHS of the equation, we calculate the portfolio return first for $t=1$, which is $(0.5*0.3)+(0.5*0.5)= 0.4$. At $t=2$, we have $(0.5*0.6)+(0.5*0.4)= 0.5$.
LHS is then $$\Pi_{t=1}^m (1+r_{Pt})-1 = (1+0.4)*(1+0.5)-1 = 1.1$$.
If we calculate using the RHS, we will get:
$$\sum^N_{i=1}w_i(1+r_{i1})(1+r_{i2})...(1+r_{im})-1= [0.5(1+0.3)*(1+0.6)] + [0.5(1+0.5)*(1+0.4)]-1 = 1.09$$.
You can see the answer is totally different. 1.1 and 1.09, is there something wrong in my calculation? Please help. Thanks