Assume a US-based company has sold something to a Norwegian company. It will receive 1M Norwegian Kroner in two months, and would like to hedge this future cash flow against currency exchange risk. It's not possible to hedge Kroner and Dollars directly, but the company can hedge with Euros, since Euros behave similarly to Kroner. Following data is given:
Exchange rates:
0.164\$/Kroner $=: K$;
0.625\$/€ $=: M$;
correlation coefficient between $K,M: \sigma_{K,M}=0.8$
standard deviations:
$\sigma_{M}= 3\%$, $\sigma_{K}=2.5\%$ per month.
I am confused since we actually have not two assets, where we have to find the optimal weights in the portfolio, but we have only one asset, which is the futures between Euros and Dollars. Can someone show me how I work with this data, and explain the solution?