Just was just looking at the various interest rates and noticed this:
Tenor Rate
3M 0.3585%
6M 0.6359% <-- sticks out above others
ED Futures:
Z2 (Dec 12) 99.680 => approx 0.320%
H3 (Mar 13) 99.675 => approx 0.325%
M3 (Jun 13) 99.660 => approx 0.340%
... ...
3M<->Fixed Swap Rates:
2Y 0.3665%
3Y 0.4390%
... ...
Note that the 6M LIBOR rate (0.6359%) seems to stick out quite a bit above the Eurodollar Future rates and 2Y swap rates, all of which are around 0.35% give or take. This seems to create an "obvious" arbitrage opportunity, and yet this persists.