One knows that the price of a bermudan claim exercisable at times $T_1, T_2,\ldots, T_N$ is $$V_0 = \sup_{\tau\in\Gamma} \mathbf{E} \left[ e^{\int_0^{\tau} r_s ds} \varphi_{\tau}\left( x_{\tau} \right) \right]$$ where
- $x$ is the $d$-dimensional underlying
- $\varphi_t(x_t)$ is the payoff value if exercised at $t$
- $\Gamma$ is the set of all stopping times with values in $\{T_1, T_2,\ldots, T_N\}$, also called exercise strategies, $\Gamma$ being also called the exercise boundary.
In both methods that I know of (Andersen and Longstaff & Schwartz), an exercise boundary is computed and then the computed exercise boundary is used for forward pricing using classical Monte-Carlo, as once the bounday is known, it can be used to price the option like a trigger option.
Both methods are regressions somehow. Are there other regression methods than these two ?