I understand it is possible to synthetic a future using long call and short put ATM options which has the same expiry as the futures. Can we do the following to synthetic a future calendar spread?
$F_x$ and $F_y$ are future prices expiring on month $x$ and $y$ respectively,
$F_x - F_y$ is synthetic using $(\mathrm{Call}_x - \mathrm{Put}_x) - (\mathrm{Call}_y - \mathrm{Put}_y)$
Once thing confuses me is $F_x - F_y$ is a calendar spread which is usually non-zero. However, $\mathrm{Call}_x - \mathrm{Put}_x$ (or $\mathrm{Call}_y - \mathrm{Put}_y$) is 0 due to call put parity when strike price is ATM.
What's wrong with my reasoning?