I would really appreciate if any of you can clarify the following questions. I have been struggling to understand it on my own.
- $b_t=\begin{cases}b_{t-1}, & \text{if}\ \Delta p_t = 0 \\ \frac{|\Delta p_t|}{\Delta p_t} ,& \text{if} \Delta p_t \neq 0 \end{cases} $ (1)
where $p_t$ = price associated with tick t
Question 1: My tick data have both bid and ask side by side. Based on this equation, am I supposed to do bid and ask separately? i.e $b_{bid}$ and $b_{ask}$?
- $\theta_T = \sum_{t = 1}^{T}b_t$ (2)
T = tick index
$T^* = \underset{T}{Argmin} (|\theta_T| \geq E_0[T]|2P[b_t = 1] - 1)$ (3)
$E_0$ is estimated by the exponentially weighted moving average of T values from previous bars.
$2P[b_t = 1] -1$ is calculated as an exponentially weighted moving average of $b_t$ values from prior bars.
Question 2: T value for equation 2 is derived from equation 3?
Question 3: My interpretation from equation 2 and 3 is that substitute values into T, calculate $\theta_T$ until it is greater than $E_0[T]|2P[b_t = 1] - 1$. Is this interpretation correct?
I really appreciate anyone's input in this matter. Learning these on my own is tough, but with your help, I should be able to achieve it.