I downloaded adjusted closing price using quantmod for a set of securities. I want to calculate daily/weekly/monthly return for all securities. Usual dailyReturn, weeklyReturn etc not working. What do I need to do? Here is my code.
tickers <- c('FB','MMM')
data_env <- new.env()
getSymbols(Symbols = tickers, env = data_env)
tempPort <- do.call(merge, eapply(data_env, Ad))
head(tempPort )
MMM.Adjusted FB.Adjusted
2007-01-03 57.00983 NA
2007-01-04 56.78401 NA
2007-01-05 56.39790 NA
2007-01-08 56.52174 NA
2007-01-09 56.58731 NA
2007-01-10 56.71116 NA
head(weeklyReturn(tempPort, type = 'log', leading=TRUE))
2012-05-18 -0.010791856
2012-05-25 0.015093078
2012-06-01 -0.023027534
2012-06-08 0.037315263
2012-06-15 0.016605617
2012-06-22 -0.007000966
It returned garbage. How to handle this?