I am writing a white paper in which I am trying to compare a strategy to different well-known - and classic - asset allocation optimization approaches.
One of the methods I chose is the minimum variance portfolio $w_\text{MV}$ defined as follows:
$$w_\text{MV} = \underset{w}{\arg \min} ~ w' \Sigma w$$
where $\Sigma$ is the covariance matrix of the assets and under the linear constraints $Aw \leq b$ and $E w = d$.
I have always heard that the MV portfolio was unique, and I know that this problem is linked to quadratic programming which I believe guarantees a unique solution as long as $\Sigma$ is positive-definite.
I wanted to add a reference to another paper where this uniqueness was discussed (proved), and I found several ones written quite recently. However, I was wondering if there was one paper thas was more famously known for discussing that particular property?