This is an exercise from Mark Joshi's book (exercise 3.6):
A stock is worth 100. Each month its value increases or decreases by precisely 10. The riskless bond is worth $e^{rt}$ at time t years with r equal to 5% Price a four-month European put option struck at 110.
At the end of the book, Joshi provides the solution 13.06. Unfortunately that's not what I find: I get 15.22. Since Joshi does not show his computation, I am wondering where the difference comes from. I use the following Python script for the computation:
import math
def get_risk_neutral_prob(S, S1, S2, r, delta_t):
Sp = max(S1, S2)
Sm = min(S1,S2)
if Sm == Sp:
return 1/2
return (math.exp(-r*delta_t) * S - Sm)/(Sp-Sm)
def payoff(S):
return max(110-S, 0)
r = 0.05
delta_t = 1/12
def get_price(S, N):
if N == 0:
return payoff(S)
S1 = S+10
S2 = S-10
p = get_risk_neutral_prob(S, S1, S2, r, delta_t)
return math.exp(-r*delta_t) * (p * get_price(S1, N-1) + (1-p) * get_price(S2,N-1))
As you can see, my computation is straightforward. I first compute the risk-neutral probability, and then the discounted expected value of the payoff, recursively.
For one month, I did it by hand and my result, 10.372, agrees with what the script tells me.
should return(math.exp(r*delta_t) * S - Sm)/(Sp-Sm)
instead. You have an extra minus sign. $\endgroup$