Okay so I'll take Jase answer and format it properly so that it answers your question and it will be useful for users in the future.
For clarity, let me restate the dynamics of the Modified Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model using the more common notation:
$$dS_t = \theta (\mu-S_t)dt + \sigma S_t dW_t$$
This blog post provides a closed form solution:
$$ S_t = S_0 \exp(- \alpha t + \sigma W_t) + \frac{\theta \mu}{\alpha} (1+ \exp(-\alpha t))$$
where $\alpha=\theta+\frac{1}{2} \sigma^2$.
So first, the expectation:
$$\mathbb{E}[S_t] = \mathbb{E}[ S_0 \exp(- \alpha t + \sigma W_t) + \frac{\theta \mu}{\alpha} (1+ \exp(-\alpha t))]$$
$$\mathbb{E}[S_t] = \mathbb{E}[ S_0 \exp(- \alpha t + \sigma W_t)] + \mathbb{E}[\frac{\theta \mu}{\alpha} (1+ \exp(-\alpha t))]$$
$$\mathbb{E}[S_t] = S_0 \mathbb{E}[\exp(- \alpha t + \sigma W_t)] + \frac{\theta \mu}{\alpha} (1+ \exp(-\alpha t))$$
Now, note that $\exp(- \alpha t + \sigma W_t)$ can be expressed as $\exp(- \alpha t + \sigma \sqrt{t} Z)$ (with $Z \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)$) hand is log-normally distributed: $\sim \ln \mathcal{N} (-\alpha t, \sigma^2 t) $, so you can apply the formulas of the log-normal distribution for mean and variance.
$$\mathbb{E}[\exp(- \alpha t + \sigma \frac{1}{\sqrt{t}} Z)]= \exp(- \alpha t + \frac{1}{2} \frac{\sigma^2}{t})$$
So, we get
$$\mathbb{E}[S_t] = S_0 \exp(- \alpha t + \frac{1}{2} \sigma^2 t) + \frac{\theta \mu}{\alpha} (1+ \exp(-\alpha t))$$
Now for the variance:
$$ Var[S_t]= Var[S_0 \exp(- \alpha t + \sigma W_t) + \frac{\theta \mu}{\alpha} (1+ \exp(-\alpha t))]$$
As the second term is constant, we get:
$$ Var[S_t]= Var[S_0 \exp(-\alpha t + \sigma W_t)]$$
$$ Var[S_t]= S_0^2 Var[\exp(- \alpha t + \sigma W_t)]$$
Using again the log-normal formula
$$ Var[S_t]= S_0^2 (\exp(\sigma^2 t)-1) \exp(-2 \alpha t+\sigma^2t)$$
To sum up, and substituting $\alpha$ with $\theta+\frac{1}{2} \sigma^2$ we get:
$$\mathbb{E}[S_t] = S_0 \exp(- \theta t) + \frac{\theta \mu}{\theta+\frac{1}{2} \sigma^2} (1+ \exp(- (\theta+\frac{1}{2} \sigma^2) t))$$
$$ Var[S_t]= S_0^2 (\exp(\sigma^2 t)-1) \exp(-2 \theta t)$$
Hopefully this should answer your question.